November 19, 2011

I Have A Boyfriend! :D

Okay, this is probably gonna seem really pathetic.  But yes.  I just got my first boyfriend.  And I feel happy!  I still can't believe it :D
O yea, that's all.  hahaha XD

October 31, 2011

Hot Air Balloon

Are you drifting away from me?

That's my worst fear.

Because I'm worried that
If your hot air balloon
Drifts into the sky
With no anchor on it

Then you'll leave me behind
And I'll be desperately watching
From the ground
With tears in my eyes.

And your balloon will float
Higher until it's a little dot
In the sky
And then it'll dissapear

And I'll keep watching for you
Day after
Day after
Day and you will never show up
Because you WANTED
To leave me behind.

October 29, 2011

My new fashion fascination.... SKINNY SWEATS!

Ya know those days when you can hardly stand getting up in the mornings, and all your strength goes towards trying to keep your eyes open?
I hate those days.  Especially when you're almost dead to the world and all the preppy girls are strutting around with short skirts and their hair perfect and you're like "WHYYYY".

Well, there's a solution to that.
And I just discovered it yesterday.
And it's called....

Yes, it's skinny jeans.... just without the jeans part.  And it's sweatpants..... without the ugly part.  They're comfy, cute, and look like you were SUPPOSED to look this lazy.
I've found them at Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch, and many more.


Hollister Skinny Sweatpants


A&F Skinny Sweatpants
They have lots of other colors, like bright blue and white and lime green.  I'm SO gonna go buy some, like, right now.
You could pair them up with T-shirts, graphic T's, etc.

Totally Looks Like....

I had a day at ..... I'm sharing some of my favorite pics
Ryan Reynolds Totally Looks Like MetroMan (Megamind)

TLL Classic: Rupert Grint Totally Looks Like Sir David Wilkie

this guy Totally Looks Like squilliam fancyson

This sloth Totally Looks Like Justin Bieber

Mr Perkins (Despicable Me) Totally Looks Like Old Purse

October 23, 2011

Best Sunday Ever! :)

At my church, I'm not the most popular girl.... :\  As a matter of fact, I usually sit in the back.
Don't blame me; it wasn't my fault.  My mom and dad were anti-social, and taught me to be anti-social too.  Plus, my church is an hour away from my house, so none of my school friends go there.

So today I made my usual way to the back and I saw a girl from church camp.  It just so happened that I wasn't sure if I was going to go to church camp this year, since usually one of my school friends go with me and none could come that year.

So anyways, I saw her and she invited me to come sit up front with the rest of the teen girls in church.  At first I refused, thinking about her feeling sorry for me because I sat alone, but then I was like, what the heck.  So I said yeah and went up there.

Turns out nobody really thought it was weird I was up there at all.... I got tons of hugs and compliments on my shirt (the one to the left, as a matter of fact).

We started chatting, and drawing on each others hands and arms with Sharpies.  Currently, I have tattoos of Dumbledore murdering a ninja, me and all of them drooling over a hot guy, and an odd cat.  Random, huh?

And then they invited me to Youth Group tonight, but I can't go, because there's no way I'm driving an hour to get there and an hour back.  So I said bye, and that I MIGHT come to Church Camp.

So yeah, after that I went to Wal-Mart, got a couple CDs (OneRepublic and Coldplay), rented some movies, and am now watching The Shining.
I'm seriously dissapointed in horror movies now.  They need to be ALOT scarier.  Like, I had great expectations for this and Paranormal Activity 2.  I watched Paranormal Activity 2 last night and almost murdered the TV, it was so NOT scary, and The Shining?  Well, big whoop, the guy went crazy, tried to kill his family, and then froze to death.... That's not scary.

October 19, 2011

A Public Service Announcement About Suicide

In a class I'm taking, we had an assignment to record a public service announcement that we made up and acted in to show to our classmates. 
Each group had a different theme.
My group got bullying.  At first, I didn't think that it was such a big deal.  Another assignment, huh?  But then I started reading some statistics.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people.  And a study in Britian said that half of those suicides were from bullying.
4,400 people die each year from suicide.
Bullied kids are 2-9 times likelier to commite suicide than non-bullied kids.
For every suicide carried out, there are 100 attempts.
14 percent of high school students have thought about suicide and 7 percent have attempted it.

And it's not just with high schoolers.
There was a SIX YEAR OLD who commited suicide in Oregon.
Yes, I said that right.  SIX!

Her name was Samantha Kuberski, and she hung herself with a belt after she had a fight with her mom.  You can read the full story here:

That's heartbreaking.

And the sad thing is, I don't know how people who commit suicide think that it makes all the pain go away.
Because I guess it does momentarily, but then you have your friends and family members who are left behind, mourning your death.
And I wouldn't want to put anyone I know through that, do you?

And so I was thinking, what can I do to help?
And then I thought, well, I guess I could post on my blog....

So help spread the message, please :)
Lol, I don't really have an official website for you to go to and sign a pledge or anything, but I just wanted to spread the word about suicide.

And remember,
Be kind to everybody, because your kindness may be the difference between life or death for them.

October 16, 2011

God is WILD ABOUT YOU! (lesson for girls)

Every other Sunday, I'll blog some things over the Bible. 
Actually, this week, I had a splindiferous bible study book planned for me to blog, but it's lost.... :'(
So I just took some of my old Bible notes and decided to collaborate all of them together to make this little lesson....
it's just for girls though.... sorry guys....and it's called

It's true.  He is.  :)
And He's not wild about you in a way that's all "I love you with all my heart" and then doesn't show up when you're sad and need a shoulder to cry on.
He's there ALL THE TIME.  And you know how he wants to spend that time?
(No, not playing XBox Live)  WITH YOU!

Imagine a boyfriend who thinks you're gorgeous. 
Who loves the inside and outside of you. 
Who thinks you're physically and emotionally beautiful.
Who is enthralled by your beauty.
Who is in love with you.
Sounds like a dream guy, huh?
That's who Jesus is.

Imagine:  The God who slung the stars across the heavens, whose every breath gives life, that God, the King, has always been taken with you.
Blows your mind, huh?  :)

He thinks you're gorgeous.  He's absolutely WILD ABOUT YOU!

When God looks at you, He sees all the beauty He created.  Every potential.  Every gift.
He loves the inside and outside of you.
You're physically and emotionally BEAUTIFUL to Him.

He's drawn to you.
He's head-over-heels in love with you.
He's captivated by you.
He's mesmerized by you.

"Listen, O daughter, don't miss a word:  Forget your people in your father's house.  The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord."         -Psalm 45:10-11

He calls you BEAUTIFUL.

His love can see into your soul and can hold you with a power and strength greater than you can ever imagine.
God loves you with an intense, knock-me-off-my-feet kind of love that's unique and just for you.
If you could grasp how wide and how high and how deep His love is, then, you'd know that He really loved you.

His love is deep enough to reach you.  You can't fall past His love.  You can't outrun His love.  You can't reach the end of His love.  It's wide and long and high and deep enough for you.

You suffer from a distorted view of your own body, planted in your mind by Satan to keep you discouraged and self-concious.
Satan uses the earthly home for our souls against us in an effort to starve us spiritually.
Satan lied to Adam and Eve in the beginning, and he's been lying ever since. He is your enemy--and he wants to destroy your life.

The One who calls your name is taken with you.
The One who knew you before creation is in love with you.
To begin to deal with the lies inside your head is to say, "Hey, I won't listen to this anymore!  Get that crap out of my way!  I want to hear the truth--the music of love, the love song of my Savior.  The Beholder is passionate about me!"

Satan's lies will only be silenced by listening to God's voice.

Now that you know all this, what if you began to live as though you believed God thinks you're gorgeous and He is wild about you?
What if you lived by faith instead of fear?
What if you traded what you feel about yourself for the truth of His words?
Do you have anything to lose?
And to gain?
The rest of your life resting in the arms of God, secure in a love that makes life a glorious adventure!

This lesson blowed your mind, huh?
Yea, mine too.  :)

I'm in a love/hate relationship with nostalgia....

Today, I planned to blog about how much I hate road trips.
But apparently that'll have to wait, because when I got home,
I got a call from one of my friends I hadn't talked to in a few weeks--
Ugh, okay, maybe a couple of months.

And while we were talking, it made me feel so nostalgic.
Because I missed when we were best friends.... ya know?
And I missed when we told each other everything,
And we were complete opposites.

I was the one that was always super-smart and all "LET'S GO STUDY!" and never had a relationship,
And she was the one that was all "YESSSS FOOD!" and did wild and crazy things and was pretty and was always dating somebody.
And I feel like nothing's changed.
That's both a good and bad thing.

It could be good because we could still reconnect and be best friends again. 
And it could be good because I hate when people change and you're like
"What happened to you?"
And they're like, "I've changed.... looks like we can't talk anymore".

But it could be bad because it means that I'll never be in a relationship.
I can honestly say that I have never had a boyfriend.
Unless you count elementary school.
And I don't.

And I can honestly say that she's always been the pretty one
And I've been super-jealous of her ever since we met in 4th grade.
And I can honestly say that she has no clue how much I envy her

I told her that today.
And she said that I have a pretty voice.

My voice?

She says that her voice sounds like a 5-year-old girl
And I'm like mine sounds like a 40-year-old man with a country accent
And she says you have no idea how much I hate my voice
And yours sounds like a Southern Belle.

And I can honestly say that I would trade voices with her
For just a fraction of all the guy friends that she has.
I have absolutely no guy friends.
And she doesn't even appreciate all the ones that she has.

And what I mean by that is that she doesn't consider herself
Lucky to have them.
And every time I think about that, I feel sad and lonely
Because the only time a guy ever talks to me is when he wants help with his homework.

And this just brings me back to what I went to in the beginning....
Nothing has changed.
And I've been wondering if I'll ever find love at all
Or even if I'll find a guy that even LIKES me.

I keep whining about all of the bad things I thought today,
But the parts that keep replaying over in my head
Are the ones that are happy.
Because friends are always there.

And so I plan to take life by the horns,
And talk more with her,
And talk more with guys,
And to not worry about the future because who can predict the future?

I just have to trust God
And keep my hopes high
And my head low
And dodge all the obstacles life throws at me.

October 14, 2011

First post ever!

First post ever!!!!!
Down in history, this day will be named "FIRST POST EVER!"

Wow.  I feel accomplished.
How awesomesauce.

Anyways, welcome to my brand new blog :)
I'm gonna post random things on here from time to time..... probably things like:
-Pics of my nails and how to do them
-Random poetry
-Diary entries
-Random things that I think in my mind
-Me ranting and raving when I'm mad at somebody
-Favorite quotes
-Awesomesauce pics

Yea, just stuff like that.

So stay tuned, people of earth!  :)