October 16, 2011

God is WILD ABOUT YOU! (lesson for girls)

Every other Sunday, I'll blog some things over the Bible. 
Actually, this week, I had a splindiferous bible study book planned for me to blog, but it's lost.... :'(
So I just took some of my old Bible notes and decided to collaborate all of them together to make this little lesson....
it's just for girls though.... sorry guys....and it's called

It's true.  He is.  :)
And He's not wild about you in a way that's all "I love you with all my heart" and then doesn't show up when you're sad and need a shoulder to cry on.
He's there ALL THE TIME.  And you know how he wants to spend that time?
(No, not playing XBox Live)  WITH YOU!

Imagine a boyfriend who thinks you're gorgeous. 
Who loves the inside and outside of you. 
Who thinks you're physically and emotionally beautiful.
Who is enthralled by your beauty.
Who is in love with you.
Sounds like a dream guy, huh?
That's who Jesus is.

Imagine:  The God who slung the stars across the heavens, whose every breath gives life, that God, the King, has always been taken with you.
Blows your mind, huh?  :)

He thinks you're gorgeous.  He's absolutely WILD ABOUT YOU!

When God looks at you, He sees all the beauty He created.  Every potential.  Every gift.
He loves the inside and outside of you.
You're physically and emotionally BEAUTIFUL to Him.

He's drawn to you.
He's head-over-heels in love with you.
He's captivated by you.
He's mesmerized by you.

"Listen, O daughter, don't miss a word:  Forget your people in your father's house.  The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord."         -Psalm 45:10-11

He calls you BEAUTIFUL.

His love can see into your soul and can hold you with a power and strength greater than you can ever imagine.
God loves you with an intense, knock-me-off-my-feet kind of love that's unique and just for you.
If you could grasp how wide and how high and how deep His love is, then, you'd know that He really loved you.

His love is deep enough to reach you.  You can't fall past His love.  You can't outrun His love.  You can't reach the end of His love.  It's wide and long and high and deep enough for you.

You suffer from a distorted view of your own body, planted in your mind by Satan to keep you discouraged and self-concious.
Satan uses the earthly home for our souls against us in an effort to starve us spiritually.
Satan lied to Adam and Eve in the beginning, and he's been lying ever since. He is your enemy--and he wants to destroy your life.

The One who calls your name is taken with you.
The One who knew you before creation is in love with you.
To begin to deal with the lies inside your head is to say, "Hey, I won't listen to this anymore!  Get that crap out of my way!  I want to hear the truth--the music of love, the love song of my Savior.  The Beholder is passionate about me!"

Satan's lies will only be silenced by listening to God's voice.

Now that you know all this, what if you began to live as though you believed God thinks you're gorgeous and He is wild about you?
What if you lived by faith instead of fear?
What if you traded what you feel about yourself for the truth of His words?
Do you have anything to lose?
And to gain?
The rest of your life resting in the arms of God, secure in a love that makes life a glorious adventure!

This lesson blowed your mind, huh?
Yea, mine too.  :)

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