October 29, 2011

My new fashion fascination.... SKINNY SWEATS!

Ya know those days when you can hardly stand getting up in the mornings, and all your strength goes towards trying to keep your eyes open?
I hate those days.  Especially when you're almost dead to the world and all the preppy girls are strutting around with short skirts and their hair perfect and you're like "WHYYYY".

Well, there's a solution to that.
And I just discovered it yesterday.
And it's called....

Yes, it's skinny jeans.... just without the jeans part.  And it's sweatpants..... without the ugly part.  They're comfy, cute, and look like you were SUPPOSED to look this lazy.
I've found them at Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch, and many more.


Hollister Skinny Sweatpants


A&F Skinny Sweatpants
They have lots of other colors, like bright blue and white and lime green.  I'm SO gonna go buy some, like, right now.
You could pair them up with T-shirts, graphic T's, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Noelle,

    I'm a fashion reporter at the Wall Street Journal and I'm working on a story that I'd love to chat with you for it. Any chance you can email me? I'm at elizabeth dot holmes {at} wsj dot com.

    Thanks so much!


Comment, Superman! :)