October 19, 2011

A Public Service Announcement About Suicide

In a class I'm taking, we had an assignment to record a public service announcement that we made up and acted in to show to our classmates. 
Each group had a different theme.
My group got bullying.  At first, I didn't think that it was such a big deal.  Another assignment, huh?  But then I started reading some statistics.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people.  And a study in Britian said that half of those suicides were from bullying.
4,400 people die each year from suicide.
Bullied kids are 2-9 times likelier to commite suicide than non-bullied kids.
For every suicide carried out, there are 100 attempts.
14 percent of high school students have thought about suicide and 7 percent have attempted it.

And it's not just with high schoolers.
There was a SIX YEAR OLD who commited suicide in Oregon.
Yes, I said that right.  SIX!

Her name was Samantha Kuberski, and she hung herself with a belt after she had a fight with her mom.  You can read the full story here:  http://blogs.seattleweekly.com/dailyweekly/2010/04/samantha_kuberski_six-years-ol.php

That's heartbreaking.

And the sad thing is, I don't know how people who commit suicide think that it makes all the pain go away.
Because I guess it does momentarily, but then you have your friends and family members who are left behind, mourning your death.
And I wouldn't want to put anyone I know through that, do you?

And so I was thinking, what can I do to help?
And then I thought, well, I guess I could post on my blog....

So help spread the message, please :)
Lol, I don't really have an official website for you to go to and sign a pledge or anything, but I just wanted to spread the word about suicide.

And remember,
Be kind to everybody, because your kindness may be the difference between life or death for them.

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