October 23, 2011

Best Sunday Ever! :)

At my church, I'm not the most popular girl.... :\  As a matter of fact, I usually sit in the back.
Don't blame me; it wasn't my fault.  My mom and dad were anti-social, and taught me to be anti-social too.  Plus, my church is an hour away from my house, so none of my school friends go there.

So today I made my usual way to the back and I saw a girl from church camp.  It just so happened that I wasn't sure if I was going to go to church camp this year, since usually one of my school friends go with me and none could come that year.

So anyways, I saw her and she invited me to come sit up front with the rest of the teen girls in church.  At first I refused, thinking about her feeling sorry for me because I sat alone, but then I was like, what the heck.  So I said yeah and went up there.

Turns out nobody really thought it was weird I was up there at all.... I got tons of hugs and compliments on my shirt (the one to the left, as a matter of fact).

We started chatting, and drawing on each others hands and arms with Sharpies.  Currently, I have tattoos of Dumbledore murdering a ninja, me and all of them drooling over a hot guy, and an odd cat.  Random, huh?

And then they invited me to Youth Group tonight, but I can't go, because there's no way I'm driving an hour to get there and an hour back.  So I said bye, and that I MIGHT come to Church Camp.

So yeah, after that I went to Wal-Mart, got a couple CDs (OneRepublic and Coldplay), rented some movies, and am now watching The Shining.
I'm seriously dissapointed in horror movies now.  They need to be ALOT scarier.  Like, I had great expectations for this and Paranormal Activity 2.  I watched Paranormal Activity 2 last night and almost murdered the TV, it was so NOT scary, and The Shining?  Well, big whoop, the guy went crazy, tried to kill his family, and then froze to death.... That's not scary.

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